Whilst the firm has existed for over 130 years, our progress and transformation of the last 10 years has been astounding. Throughout this period, however, Blaser Mills Law has retained its core personality and values.

Today we are a major regional presence, working for multinational organisations, household-name businesses and major sporting institutions.

The last 10 years have been a blur of seeking and taking opportunities, recruiting boldly, trusting and promoting talent wherever we identify it, ‘giving things a go’ and having loads of fun doing it all. But despite this massive transformation we have remained true to our roots. While the most dramatic growth has been on the Commercial Law side of the firm, our traditional areas – residential property, private client, family law and litigation – have also grown exponentially.

Looking around this modern, progressive firm as it is today, it is striking how many of our people have been along for the whole journey. Like all firms, there have been joiners and leavers. So many of the joiners have massively strengthened the firm and helped propel it forward but we also have a very significant core from the ‘old’ Blaser Mills Law that, as well as more than doing their bit in helping to develop the firm, have also ensured that the core values and ethos of the firm – our personality – has remained.

We will continue to pursue our goals and ambitions but always retaining our authenticity and the approach to life and business that has characterised the last 10 years.


Dave Matthews
Chief Executive Officer