Blaser Mills LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registration number OC397220 and its registered office at:
40 Oxford Road
High Wycombe
HP11 2EE
A list of the members of Blaser Mills LLP is open to inspection at its registered office.
With effect from 1st April 2015 the business, assets and liabilities of the Blaser Mills partnership were transferred to Blaser Mills LLP whereupon the partnership ceased to trade. Prior to 1st April 2015 ‘Blaser Mills’ was a firm of solicitors trading as a general partnership constituted under the laws of England and Wales. Some of the material found on this website pre-dates 1st April 2015.
‘Blaser Mills’ and ‘Blaser Mills Solicitors’ are trading names of Blaser Mills LLP.
References to ‘partner’ or ‘partners’ of Blaser Mills LLP are references to a member or members of Blaser Mills LLP, and no such reference indicates that they carry on business in partnership under the Partnership Act 1890.
Blaser Mills LLP is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority of England and Wales (with SRA Number 620391) and its professional code of conduct can be accessed at:
Professional indemnity insurance
We maintain Professional Indemnity Insurance and are covered in excess of the minimum SRA requirement of £3 million. This insurance covers all of our legal practice and work undertaken from any of our offices located in the UK. Our insurance brokers are:-
Lockton Companies LLP
138 Houndsditch
The St Botolph Building
London EC3A 7AG
United Kingdom